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Charm Fernandez is the founder & CEO of SophisTECHated Marketing & Developments, Co. She is a certified ASK Method® Associate, AccessAlly™ Certified Partner and ITIL® Certified Expert.
Charm is a marketing and website strategist that focuses on high ticket programs that help boost your online engagement and program revenues.
Her formal education in the fields of Information Systems Management, Web Development and Targeted Marketing help her bring a more cohesive approach to her work with clients.
Today, Charm helps established business owners in strategizing their business online and to drive clients to their high ticket programs through sound lead generation, optimization and exclusively customized membership and online course website development.
and start making your site your cash machine!
Showing your potential clients that you have an elite system, shows INTEGRITY and BUILDS TRUST! Find Out how easy it is to get yours CRAZY GAMIFIED!
- This checklist will help you ensure that you are on-track with keeping your members excited and eger to come to your site. From on-boarding to daily engagement, you'll see tips and tricks here. Nope, there's no one size fits all when it comes to membership. That is why this checklist will tell you exactly different options you can offer your members and build a community that truly are begging for access to your site!